The Board

CEO: Sarah Bolmer

sarah headshot

Sarah is co-founder and CEO of YWTF-SF. Sarah started YWTF with Katie Riklin and Camilla Boyer in 2016 to bring together the amazing young women we saw every day in our lives to have a measurable impact on our community. Sarah is in business development at Zymergen, a rapidly growing biotechnology company in Emeryville. Sarah is passionate about getting more young women into STEM, and is very proud of the work YWTF did in our Women In Stem focus in 2016. Outside of work, Sarah likes to cheer on all manner of Stanford sports.


COO: Catharine Haak

Catharine Haak

Catharine is COO of YWTF-SF, and one of the original founding members. Catharine came to YWTF in its very first days and has grown the organization from the ground up. She works as a project manager at endpoint Clinical. She is passionate about the intersection of human and environmental justice. In her time outside of work and YWTF, she likes to spend time enjoying the outdoors. And is a fantastic rockclimber!



CFO: Katie Riklin

Katie Riklin is tkatie headshothe CFO and co-founder of the Younger Women’s Task Force San Francisco chapter. She is excited to have the chance to join forces with bright and passionate women across the bay area to drive change in their communities and beyond, focusing on issues including women’s health and education.

Katie works in biotech at a company called Invitae, and in her spare time enjoys sailing, skiing, traveling and cooking.


VP of Finance. Katie Imielska.

Katie is our VP of finance and currently works as a Financial Analyst in Private Wealth Management at Goldman Sachs, after having graduated from The Wharton School and the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. She is passionate about mentoring and helping youth as they transition into becoming citizens of the world and creators of the future. When she’s not working or helping with YWTF, she enjoys spending time outdoors, salsa dancing (really any type of dancing), playing tennis, reading and watching good shows.


VP of Non-profit. Katie Le.

Katie is our VP of Non-profit and is currently leading our Women’s Health focus. She is a software engineer at Amazon Music and is a local native, having grown up in the Bay Area and graduating from Santa Clara University.  Katie is passionate about closing the gender divide in the tech industry and encouraging young girls to pursue careers in software development. As a former collegiate tennis player, Katie likes to use whatever free time she has to play tennis in the Bay Area.


VP Digital Marketing. Stephanie Guyot-Sionnest.

Stephanie Guyot-Sionnest

Stephanie is our first VP of Digital Marketing. She studied neuroscience and art history at Vassar College, where she developed a passion for learning about policy and innovations that seek to extend high quality and low cost of care to patients and their communities. Stephanie currently does growth marketing for healthcare company, CEP America. In her spare time, she enjoys making and visiting art—from dabbling in abstract/mixed media painting to spending hours at the SFMoma, cooking and hiking!

VP Outreach/Events. Misha Nasrollahzadeh.

Misha Nasrollahzadeh


Misha is our VP of Outreach and Events, and is one of our founding members. She works as a product manager at Castlight Health. Misha is passionate about Women’s Health and disseminating health knowledge and information to women.




